Thursday, March 06, 2008
Piney's new haircut
Piney's new haircut:

She is now transformed from Medusa's bedhead (see the first before picture) to a hip, happening, modern girl.

Yes, she is playing in the bath tub.


Blogger sandy said...
Cute haircut! It's makes her face look lovely.

We used Corelle for years because it was light enough for my grandmother to handle. They're good dishes.

And now for the noteworthy lyrics of Jack Johnson, "Reduce, reuse, recycle!"

Blogger Jess said...
Oh she's sweet!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Corelle is wonderful..I have two sets..they last forever.
she is so cute...

She is so cute!

You ARE changing the world. Good on you, the way you are re-programming your brain with your anti-consumption mantra.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If you want something not plastic that can go in the dishwasher - how about recycled plates?

Blogger Melissa said...
isnt that a lot to handle... 1 new area per week. Take it slow. Just enjoy doing the good deeds.

Cute cut