Thursday, February 21, 2008
Letting Myself Go
I finally did it. I said I never would, but...

I dyed my hair back to its original color.

I always saw others who had meticulously kept up with their hair salon visits as people who continued to care about their appearance. They didn't get married and then let themselves go.

So year after year I spent countless hours and money at the hair salon.

It was important to me. I thought it was worth it.

Not anymore.

I realized that spending this money to chemically treat my hair no longer went along with my new goals of simple living and environmental health.

I guess you all will have to love me for who I really am.

Like it or not.

Here it is.

My boys took these photos and they all took turns. I told them that whoever took the best picture could get a treat, but they all wanted their photo to be the one I posted. So I gave them all a treat for helping out and posted one photo from each.

Also. I admit. My roots are still a little darker than my hair, but it is hard to get an exact match. I may need to go in one more time to get it right, but it is much closer.


Blogger Unknown said...
Are your first two boys FREAKY GIANT CHILDREN?

Kidding. You look great!

Blogger Le Petit Chic said...
You look beautiful :) Love it.

Blogger Jennefer said...
Tay- They are standing on a chair. Why they thought the picture would be better from a chair is a mystery. They wanted me to look shorter? I am not sure. Maybe they were trying to be artistic or something.

Blogger Jess said...
YOU are gorgeous. Your eyes really stand out! Lovely!

Am now trying not to wake the children from my snorting about tay's comment.

Blogger Lauren said...
Any yet it still looks great. I am dreading having to color my hair because I hate going to the salon. And the greys are starting to appear more and more so it is just a matter of time.

Blogger Beth Cotell said...
I think it looks great.

I am also going back to my natural color but it is so much darker than I remember. We are doing low lights and highlights so that it is more gradual.

Blogger Unknown said...
Boo, I was hoping they'd been exposed to radiation or something, and you all were going to become a legion of superheroes.

Oh well.

Also, I love your clock!

Blogger Tasha said...
I love the color..I have dark hair too. It looks nice on you.

Blogger Rachael said...
the color looks nice on you; i've been coloring mine for years and i hate feeling like a slave to the salon, but i started getting gray hairs in my early twenties and i'm just NOT ready to embrace gray. sigh.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
you are very pretty. But I like your hair better blonde.
But if you are happy with it, guess that is what matters.
I guess there is not many blondes in Korea?

Blogger Yeah So said...
You're still fabulous dahling.

Blogger Jennefer said...
Sorry anonymous- bleach is evil and yes, now I fit in better with the Koreans

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think you look great!! Perhaps the smarty pants commentors are a bit jealous..

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The comment above this one was left by me (Laura). I forgot to type my name in, sorry, I don't want you to think it was me that left the smart comment, so I felt the need to explain..
